CASTING: Real Nissan Owners

CASTING: Real Nissan Owners

GENUINE is looking for:

  • Real Nissan owners who love the quality, durability, and reliability of their Nissan
  • Ages 18+, all ethnicities, genders, and abilities
  • We’re looking for people to share their stories of why they love their Nissan:
    • Has your family always owned Nissans? 
    • Did you drive your Nissan to move or travel long distances?
    • Does your Nissan help you do what you do and pursue your passions in life? 
  • We’re open to these stories and many more! Please share your Nissan story!

If selected for the final project, you will be paid professional actors’ wages and featured in an Online Video Project.

SUBMIT via this link by 10/31: Nissan Owners Questionnaire